a rift between post and pre
i was just thinking and i know this is off the wall but it would be neat to see. i would like to see a rift between the pre and post cities, you would be able to see the players that are in pre but they would be whited out like ghosts, you would not be able to interact with them in pre, and they would not be able to see the people in post as it would be in the future for those in pre, but ghosts in post. i just think it would make the post experience more realistic in the since that if there was something that massive to of happened there should be ghosts all around and i know there already are but they just dont move much.
as far as the map is concerned this would be easy to do for fort ranik, dont think it would be at all possible for ascalon since the map of the city has changed. but anyways let me know that you guys think bout it.